Location on a digital map
A map of any website, like a digital guide on a popular website.
Some antonyms for physical map could be political map, thematic map, or digital map. Each of these types of maps represent geographic information in different ways than a physical map, focusing on different aspects such as boundaries, specific themes, or digital data.
A digital map company
Geographic information system
a database
A geographic information system can tie a digital map to a database. The geographic information system is called the GIS. It may also tie real-time photos to the map to help with things like GPS navigation.
It will be impossible for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to map and redshift all 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe.
New editions of the geologic map of California and the fault activity map of California have been prepared in recognition of the California geological survey's 150th Anniversary. Both are all-digital products built on the original complications of c.w. jennings published in 1977 and 1994. The digital version of the jennings (1977) geologic map was released in 2000.
A geographic information system (GIS) can tie a digital map to a database that contains information about the spatial features shown on the map. This allows users to analyze and visualize spatial data, make informed decisions, and understand relationships between different geographic elements. GIS integrates data with location, enabling users to interpret and understand patterns, trends, and relationships in a geographical context.
Some words you can make with the letters in digital are:aadaidailatdialdigdigitgadgaitgalgatgildgiltgladiditladlaglaidlidlittadtagtailtidal