

How do you make a character web?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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12y ago

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Make your main character in the middle circle and then put some characteristics of the character in the other circles.

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The educational tool that is used to help remember a character is a character web. The character's name goes in the center circle and the words that describe the character go in circles surrounding the name.

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Webbing is a method of visually representing relationships among ideas, concepts or events.Character webs are a type of brainstorming web that represents one of the ways in which visual learning can support reading comprehension. In a character web, students identify the traits of a central character. This reinforces the concept of point of view and helps students understand a character's actions and motivation.When students are reading complex stories, a character web can also show how the character develops as the story proceeds. For example, teachers can instruct students to create a web after reading the first chapter of a story and then save that web. After the second chapter, they can return to the diagram and change what they've written to reflect their new understanding of how the character has developed.

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