you take some paper, cardboardy 20-15 inch would be the best. Shape it into a cone (rolling) tape it shut, then cut off the top point. cut a strip of long paper, circle it around the bottom of the topless cone and tape it.tape a circle to the top of the cut of cone and it's finishd
There is a pattern for a paper tricorn hat available
just fold the paper
There are many ways you could make a mountain man hat. You could for example fold paper to resemble this kind of hat.
Figure out how to make an origami hat using the white paper. Then, when your done making the hat, use the glue to add glitter to the places you want it.
how to make anEasterbonnet hat using paper
Paper Plane, a new Hat and even a boat
To make a Cat in the Hat hat, you'll need a red and white striped tall hat. You can either buy one or make one by painting or wrapping red and white striped fabric around a plain hat or using a red and white striped fabric to sew a hat. Add a white felt brim at the bottom to complete the look.
you buy paper then u cut it then u fold it, and vwala! you made a hat!
Griffin and millers paper hat
Runescape Party hats are expensive and rare. "Real" party hats are easy to make yourself. Roll a sheet of paper into a cone-like shape, and tape the side. Trim the edge and you have a party hat that you can design and color!
You use paper(card) ,siccors, and paint