Vehicles are classified and categorized by the manufacturer. M class vehicles are cars and minibuses, N category vehicles are light vans, L category vehicles are motorcycles, and T category vehicles are tractors.
The safety ratings on the Mazda Crossover vehicle are generally good. In the frontal offset category the vehicle was marked as good. In the side impact category the vehicle was also marked as good.
It falls into the category of "City Car".
Please re-submit question with the vehicle make, model and year. Also select that vehicle's category. Every vehicle is different.
Under the convertible category on a used car website
If a car is classified as a category D, it usually means that the vehicle has suffered light damage. However, the insurance company's decision to repair is dependent on the cost of the repairs and the value of the vehicle.
This will vary by vehicle. For a more specific answer, please submit question including the make, model and year of vehicle and also select that vehicle's category.
Yes, you do know you had to go into the sports category to get to the dodge ball category right.
the town car is located in the mafia store under the vehicle category.
Category C indicates Repairable salvage.This usually applies to vehicles with significant damage and where the cost of repairs exceeds the book value. It can be sold for repair but must have VIC(Vehicle Identity Check) inspection before returning to the road. V5 documents are returned to DVLA and recorded as category C vehicles. You can re-apply for registration on the original identity once the VIC inspection has been done. VIC inspection and re-registration removes the Category C classification, but evidence it was at one time Category C remains on the vehicle's record at the DVLA and so will appear on a vehicle data check
A category 3 claim on car insurance is anything that is grossly contaminated with pollutants including fungi and bacteria. An example would be if your vehicle was in a flood.