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One way to tell if your phone line is an analog one line is to plug a telephone directly into the jack. If the phone works, the line is analog.

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Q: How do you know if your phone line is an analog one?
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What is an analog phone line?

It would probably be easiest to give you some examples of an analog line. Usually the phone you have in your house is an analog line. Another example would be a typical fax line. Another example would be the typical line that your computer would use for a dial up connection. Perhaps the debit machine would use an analog line, but some might use a computer connection also. I just read on one web site that if your phone complies with "complies with part 68, FCC Rules" and a Ringer Equivalence Number (REN), then the phone and the line are analog. So generally if the phone in your house will work on that line then it is analog, if it won't then likely it is digital. Digital is a line where the voice has been converted to 1's and 0's and the reconverted back to voice at the other end of the line. Digital lines are generally use in business's, although a business might have either digital or analog lines. Notice on this page http:/ although all the phones are considered business phones, the digital phones are on the left and and the analog phones are on the right. Then again your cordless phone in your house might be digital from the base to the handset, but still the line is analog.

What are some uses for an ISDN line?

ISDN lines are mainly used for phone usage. It replaces the analog phone that is found in most homes. It has the ability to take just the one phone line, and turn it into two lines.

Does a single-line phone set mean there is only one phone number or only one phone on the line?

A single line phone set means the phone itself can only handle 1 line connected to it. No multiplele lines on a single line phone set. :(

Is One purpose of an audio card in a computer is to covert analog audio to digital audio?

Yes, the microphone or line in -input converts your analog signal into digital.

A is a temporary connection that uses one or more analog telephone lines for connection?

dial-up line

What is needed to convert a 1 line phone system into a 2 line phone system?

To convert a 1 line phone system into a 2 line phone system you will need a phone that has two input jacks and two separate phone lines coming into the building. Each phone line will be plugged into one of the input jacks and the phone will then be able to receive calls on either line.

What is a temporary network connection that uses one or more analog telephone lines for communications?

Dial-Up Line

Do you have to get a second phone line to send and receive faxes or can you just use your home phone line?

You can use your home phone line. It is better if you have the right service, but you can set it up on just one line.

How can one tamper a business phone line?

Tampering with business phone lines is illegal and no one should provide information on how to do commit illegal acts. If you think your phone line was tampered with, contact your phone company.

Can I split my phone line?

You just buy a phone line spitter.Radio Shack or Walmart would have one for around a dollar.

Is an iPod a phone?

It can be a phone if you get the one with wi-fi. You can use the Internet to make calls(best if you have some kind of ear plug or bluetooth) ... You know Apples tag line we have an app for that.

What is analog multiplexing?

Analog Multiplexer - Two analog signals as the input, one analog signal as the output, output is the product of the two inputs.