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Hi, I am 48 year old. I have not had a period in 6 or 7 months. I had intercorse yesterday and this morning I began hurting in my lower back, this afternoon I have began bleeding. I am not on birth control. I thought I was finished with that part of my life. Since I started bleeding am I still ovulating?

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Q: How do you know if you have stopped ovulating?
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You are probably ovulating

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Could be your ovulating? I get it when I'm ovulating I know the signs because we are trying for a baby

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The best way to tell when one is ovulating is to keep a calendar. Sometimes there is pain when ovulating, but other times there is not. By keeping a diary, one has a better chance to know the time of ovulation.

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by counting how many times you hump

How do you know when you are ovulating when you only have your period four to five times a year?

A lot of women realize they are ovulating each month when they have a significantly larger amount of discharge to what the women normally gets.

How do you know if your done ovulating at age 55?

no period or spotting every few months.or ask your doctor to do a fertility test. That will tell you how many eggs are left and will give you an idea if your done ovulating or not...

Could I be pregnent at age 47?

We don't know you, but it is possible if you are still ovulating and have had unprotected sex.

How bad is it to have unprotected sex a week after you are done with your period?

one week after you have stopped your period you are ovulating most likely to get pregnant. Not bad at all. That's the way babies come into the world.

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This is probably caused by ovulation (releasing an egg) This occurs around 17 days after your period and many women feel cramps when they are ovulating

What causes a woman to suddenly stop ovulating?

when you are ovulating is there an odor?