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This begs the question: "Out of where?"

There are several possibilities. Starting with the simplest, your life, the answer is equally as simple. Do not engage them. Don't talk to them. Don't make eye contact with them. Do not acknowledge that they exist. Most people ignored will grant you the same treatment.

Next would be your home. This gets a little more complicated. But, it is almost as easily accomplished as the last. Strong locks and good fences make great neighbors. If you practice the art of shutting everyone out of your life previously discussed, and add to that deadbolts, heavy doors, and high fences, likely as not those who live around you will be happy to let you live your life in solitude.

Or, you could always load up the truck, well boat and relocate to Pitcairn Island pretty much smack in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. There are only about 50 other residents there to deal with, and most of them related, so interactions could relatively easily be minimized. If 50 (3.31 per square mile) people is still too high a population density, you are going to be hard pressed to find any nation with a lower density. You might try parts of the Sahara Desert or perhaps Mongolia, but living conditions in the low population density areas of these two hot spots make living at all difficult.

There are a few ghost towns in different parts of the world you might try. Some of these might prove to be challenging environments as well. You have high radiation levels in Pripkyat Ukrain, and Ōkuma, Fukushima, Japan; not condusive to good cellular health, but no pesky strangers. If you don't mind a little less background radiation, there's Survival Town, Nevada. The Atomic Energy Commission might get a little anxious about squatters on their Operation Cue test site though, and there are only a couple of buildings still standing; most were thumped into sawdust by a few (dozen) nuclear blasts in the 1950's. Oh, and then there are those pesky tourists the AEC buses in every day.

If you are so inclined, I suspect the government of the People's Republic of China would be happy if you showed an interest in establishing residence in Ordos City, Kangbashi New Area. The Chinese government it seems has been building an entire city for a population of 1.5 million people that does not exist. The only people who live there or who can be coaxed, cajoled, or Shanghaied there are the government officials assigned to the place. It all sits there, brand new and unused, empty. China claims as many as 30,000 people live there, but fewer than 3000 have ever been confirmed. Even a view from Google Maps shows an urban area aproximately ten miles across (an area roughly 2/3 the size of Denver, Colorado) that is clearly under construction; that being the largest obvious source of activity.

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