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If you know how to program using "AppleScript" the editor comes with the mac If you know java you can get a Java editor and use that as well Basically use the Apple script editor that comes with the computer or get some other program editor for mac -MacKid9930

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If the program is elsewhere it can be dragged into the application folder by clicking and holding the mouse button down on it's icon. If the program is on a disc image (with a .dmg at the end of it's name - ProgramName.dmg) double click on the .dmg icon to launch an installer. Follow the prompts and the program will be automatically installed.

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What is the significance of the Universal Symbol on Apple Mac's application?

To allow for the transition from the older PPC Macs (G4 & G5 Macs) to the recent Macs with Intel processors single applications can be created to work on both systems rather than produce two separate applications. The single applications are known as Universal.

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In the Utilities folder within the Applications folder is Boot Camp Assistant. This will talk you through the process of installing Windows onto the Macs hard disc. Alternatively you can run software such as Parallels or Fusion which will run Windows on top of Mac OS X. (See links below)

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