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You cant. you need to get a misdreavus which is found in the lost tower(under

solaceon town ) but you can only catch them at night.

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Q: How do you get mismagious?
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Does misdreavus evole?

yes it does . it evolves into mismagious

What does misdreavus evolve on Pokemon diamond?

it evolves into mismagious

Who is 72 in the Sinnoh pokedex?

Number.72 is misdreavus it evolves into mismagious

Were do you find misdrevious in platinum?

Get a misdrevious in enterna forest,if you want mismagious use a dusk stone on misdreavious.

What Pokemon evolve using a dusk stone in Pokemon diamond?

Murcrow uses it to evolve into Honchcrow and misdreavus into mismagious

Whow to get dusk stone in Pokemon diamond?

Well there are several ways to get one but the easiest is to go to veilstone city and go into the galactic warehouse building. search through that carefully and you will find one. and if ur trying to evolve a misdrevas(idk spelling) wait until its a lvl 37(thats when it learns shadow ball) that way u wont have to waste ur Tm. trust me i have a mismagious

What level does misdreavus evolve in soul silver?

Misdreavus evolves when it is exposed to a Dusk stone. It becomes into Mismagious.

Good team to beat red on Soul Silver?

Ground type for Pikachu (Dugtrio, Sandsash, onix) Water or Rock Type for Charizard (Vaporeon, Onix ,Golem) Fire Type for Venasaur (Typlosion, Ninetails, Arcanine) Electr. type for Blastoise and Lapras (Raichu, Ampharos) Fighting type for Snorlax (machamp, Ursaring that knows hammer arm) * Also, for Charizard, Blastoise, Lapras, and Venasaur, train a misdreaveus 'till it knows power gem, then evelve to mismagious and teach phycic, thunder, and possibly focus blast for snorlax. till then, good luck

What does the reaper cloth do in pokemon soulsilver?

you fly to the resort area where the ribbon house is. You walk north towards the big patch af grass and go past the trainer. When you see a tree that can be cut down and a rock you go through there and ta da. theres your reaper cloth

What are the Pokemon in the pokedex you need to find?

first off you need over one hudred fifty in sinnoh turtwig grotle torterra chimchar monferno infernape piplup prinplup empoleon starly staravia starapter bidoof bibarrel kricketot kricketune shinx luxio luxray Abra kadabra alakazam magikarp gyarados budew Roselia roserade zubat golbat crobat geadude graveler golem onix steelix cranidos rampardos shieldon bastiodon machop machoke machamp psyduck golduck burmy wormadam mothim wurmple silcoon beautifly cascoon dustox combee vespiquen pachirisu buizel floatzel cherubi cherrim shellos gastrodon heracross aipom ambipom drifloon drifblim buneary loppuny gastly haunter gengar misdrevas mismagious murkrow honchcrow glameow purugly goldeen seaking barboach whiscash chingling chimeecho stunky skuntankmeditite medicham bronzor bronzong ponyta rapidish bonsly sudowoodo mimejr mrmime happiney chansey blissey cleffa clefairy clefablechatot pichu picachu riachu hoothoot noctowlspiritomb gible gabite garchompmunchlax snorlax unkown riolu lucario wooper quagsire wingull pelipper girafirighippopatos hippowdon azurill marill azumarill skurupi drapionkrogunk toxicroak carnivine remoraid octillery finnion lumineon tentacool tentacruel feebas milotic mantyke mantynesnover abomasnow sneasel weavile uxie mesperit azelf dialga and palkia hope that awnsers your question.