There is a rail tunnel between Union Station and L'Enfant Plaza, used by trains heading southbound from Union Station.
Government Plaza - Metro Transit station - was created in 2004.
Reisterstown Plaza - Baltimore Metro Subway station - was created in 1983.
There is a rail tunnel between Union Station and L'Enfant Plaza, used by trains heading southbound from Union Station.
Metro Plaza was created in 1996.
Metro Plaza Aragón was created in 2000.
The Hirshhorn is located on the National Mall at the corner of 7th Street and Independence Avenue SW. The closest Metro station is L'Enfant Plaza (Green, Yellow, Orange, and Blue lines).
Fountain Plaza - Metro Rail - was created in 1985.
Plaza de Cuba - Seville Metro - was created in 2009.
Metro is Sol
Union Plaza was created in 1980.
The Toledo train station is located at 415 Emerald Avenue in the Central Union Plaza in downtown Toledo.