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Option 1- you need to begin the cat and dog peace training right when they meet. you should get them together a lot and treat them both equally (when together). don't let only the cat on the couch, and not the dog. at first, don't give and cat and dog distractions. let them in a boaring toyless room with your supervision. when they start to fight, tell them no, then make the dog sit and hold the cat in your lap. sit on the floor with the cat and let the dog see that the cat isn't causing harm to his/her family. if they try to hurt each other and they fight agressively for a week and 3 days or more then try option 2.

Option 2-your dog and cat aren't meant to be together. it's just mother nature. this happens with 42% of all pet dog/cat relationships (when they're living together. neighbor pets are harder to train). take turns of attention time with both pets.

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15y ago

=just sit with your back to a timid cat or dog without any affection to them. them wait until they come to you. When they rub their head on you you can slowly stroke them. if the animal is timi stroke it undre its chin to make it feel proud. Try not to shout around the animal to show that there is nothing to be afraid of and that they can trust you.=

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Q: How do you get friendly with cats and dogs?
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It has been my life's experience that cats and dogs typically adore each other. On occasion some dogs and some cats may feel threatened by the other, but I have found this to be rare. However, I would say that cats are often more aggressive to dogs than the other way around -- much the same as how cats are aggressive to new cats, and how dogs are usually friendly and curious to other dogs. Cats may be offended by friendly curiosity from dogs, and dogs may be offended by aggressive cats. Dogs grow to dislike cats primarily due to a misunderstanding. A dog communicates friendliness and peaceful intent by wagging it's tail; Cats wag their tails rapidly when angry or aggressive. A cat will thus perceive a friendly or curious dog approaching it as a large, frightening, angry, and dangerous animal. The cat will thus defend itself by clawing at the dog, usually at the nose when the dog sniffs the cat, and then attempt to escape. Most adult dogs have thus learned to associate cats with painful scratches across the nose. I also find it most common to find very large dogs get along with cats better than small dogs. Though in true cat form, I'm sure they don't really "get along" with anyone as much as they "tolerate" them -- especially humans. p.s. from a different person : i find that the dog tries to be friendly and tries to play with them but the cat rejects the dog (that is my findings but many people disagree)

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