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Your rafters are probably 2 x 6's, you need a minimum of 8" so you have air flow above your 6" insulation. Rip a 2 x 4 in half and nail it to the underside of the 2 x 6's. Make sure to nail the factory sides, (the 1.5" side) not the saw cut side, so your Firring strips are all the same thickness.

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Q: How do you fur out a sloping ceiling for insulation?
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How do I install ceiling insulation myself?

Ceiling insulation can be installed yourself. Purchase the insulation at a big box home improvement store. It comes in rolls and just lay them on the ceiling.

Explain the difference in the insulation provided by wet and dry animal fur?

The difference in the insulation, provided by wet and dry animal fur is that, the wet insulation fur gives low and weak insulation, while dry insulation fur gives a maximum insulation.

How do you reduce or eliminate water drops off your ceiling?

Venting to eliminate moisture and insulation in the ceiling.

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In the ceiling and the walls

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The fur of a coyote provides warmth, insulation, protection, and camouflage.

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For insulation purposes to the ceiling

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for insulation

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What should you do if the low pressure line is insulated and sweating outside the insulation above a suspended ceiling and dripping on the ceiling causing mildew?

What is your question here? If you want to keep the insulation from sweating get thicker insulation. You probably have 3/8 thick insulation; increase to 1/2 or 5/8. It is possible that your suction line is freezing up and when it thaws it soaks the insulation causing it to drip. If you can't prevent the leak, use a vinyl ceiling tile, like Ceilume, in that area. It won't absorb moisture and is easily cleaned.

Does a duck have fur?

yes they do