Use a metal detector and hope for the best, or burn the haystack.
Meaning: extremely difficult; extremely rare
Trying to find your class room in the engineering building is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
I can only think of three options:
1. Using a magnet to attract the needle,
2. Burning the haystack so only the needle will be left behind, and
3. Put the whole lot in a basin of water. The haystack will float while the needle will sink to the bottom of the container.
Usually, there is a haystack, and someone throws a needle in the haystack. The game is to try to be the first to find the needle. The needle may be anywhere in the stack and may be right on the surface of the stack, or in the very middle of the stack.
Looking for a needle in a haystack
The phrase, finding a needle in a haystack refers to having to find something or someone in an impossible situation. The item can be any size. The area can be any size as well.
Finding a person who is lost in the woods is like looking for a needle in a haystack.The search for suspects was a needle in a haystack.The correct idiom is "looking for a needle in a haystack".
Finding the origins of colorful expressions can take a lot of detective work: discovering the roots of the phrase "finding a needle in a haystack" is indeed like trying to find a needle in a haystack! While nobody is certain, it is widely accepted belief that the expression surfaced around 1690 in France.
To find a needle in a haystack, you can use a magnet to attract the metal needle if it's made of steel. Another way is to slowly sift through the haystack carefully, separating the hay to visually identify the needle. Using a metal detector could also help locate the needle among the hay.
This task is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.
The phrase "like finding a needle in a haystack" is used to describe something extremely difficult or challenging. There are no verified records of someone actually finding a needle in a haystack, as it would be an incredibly rare and laborious task.
Forensic Files - 2000 Needle in a Haystack was released on: USA: 4 September 2009
Suspense - 1949 Needle in a Haystack - 6.7 was released on: USA: 10 November 1953
It's NEEDLE in a haystack. See the related question.
That was like looking for a needle in a haystack of needles!