To confirm the validity of the DEA registration number, the pharmacist should add the first, third, and fifth digits together, then add the second, fourth, and sixth digits, multiplying that sum by 2. The right-most digit of the sum of these 2 calculations will correspond with the final, or seventh, digit of a valid number.
Ask him
A physician needs a DEA number to prescribe controlled substances. This is to help monitor the dispensing of controlled substances to the public.The DEA Form 224 (new applications), lists the schedules of controlled substances that the physician wants to handle. The physician must first be authorized by the state to handle those drugs before the DEA will authorize it. The physician will only be allowed to handle those drugs on their application.Registration must be renewed every 3 years. With the DEA number, a physician can be tracked easily if they are prescribing too much of a controlled substance. There are some doctors out there who prescribe narcotics and charge insane prices for visits and get rich in areas where drug abuse is prevalent. The DEA numbers are supposed to help control this by only allowing certain doctors (those who have applied for a DEA number and have been authorized) to prescribe them.
A DEA number is assigned to a medical provider. This number allows them to write prescriptions for medications their patients may need. The DEA number is registered with the Drug Enforcement Agency so that prescriptions can be tracked if necessary.
The phone number of the Dea Museum And Visitors Center is: 202-307-3463.
On the website of justice ( you can find a link to the jobs in DEA. You can always apply for one, but it is very hard to get selected.
You can find information on DEA jobs at There is a "Careers" tab which will offer a good amount of information on jobs with the DEA. From there, you can view occupations and open vacancies. You will also find steps on job requirements and how to apply, along with some of the benefits.
lisa conti md
Yes, since it is a controlled substance it is one of the requirements according to the 2010 DEA Pharmacist's Manual
A DEA number is a specific number to prescribe rs that they must obtain to write prescriptions for controlled substances. information in chapter2 in Mosbys Pharmacy Technician Principals and practice.