Download Xcode from Apple (you'll need a free developers account), and it allows you to script in C++, along with C, Obj-C, Ruby, Python, and more.
You cannot download programming languages!
There are numerous download accelerators for the Mac such as iGetter and Download Accelerator Plus. (See links below)
Xcode and Eclipse.
nta gouli
hotel and loding
You cannot download a programming language, but you can download compilers. Check the attached link.
You may use one of several open source compilers and code editors (or even IDEs) to develop and compile C++ code that will operate on a Mac.
Buy the book.
You can download a free trial version of Turbo C++ Builder from Embarcadero's website. See related links below.
Yes there is. You can download it at The installation process is a little difficult but it does work on my mac :-) There is also a game called 'iRunTrains' look it up, download it. plus its free!
You can download latest version of Visual Studio from
You can access Disney Plus content via the web browser on Mac. There is not an app for Mac, so you can't download videos from Disney Plus to watch later. But DispCam can make it possible. It is capable of downloading movies and TV shows from Disney Plus and save them on Windows PC and Mac. You can play the downloaded videos on any media player installed on your computer.