i had a hard time getting the slide retaining pin out, if you go to their website, you can find an online copy of the original manual, it tells how to clean it properly and disassemble it.
On the Hi Point Firearms website, there is a section for downloading product manuals, including their .380 pistols. See related link.
used - between $50 and $100 depending on condition and an additional clip. New $115-130 with a single standard 8 rd mag
Contact Hi Point for an owner's manual. You can do it thru their website.Ask a gunsmith for help
The Hi Point website has downloadable versions of their manuals for their products on their website. See related link 'Hi Point Firearms - Manuals'
Hi, go to the You tube videos, then in the search box write down Makarov pistol mod-59 and you will get various examples of how to break down and assembly the .380 and the 9mm, good luck.
The Hi-Point Model JHP .45 ACP magazine typically holds 9 rounds of ammunition.
9mm Corto is another name for .380 ACP (also called 9mm Kurz and .380 Auto) Corto and Kurz both mean "short"
It is Hi-Point, and no, not safely. That part sells for $3.45 plus shipping.
It is Hi-Point, and no, not safely. That part sells for $3.45 plus shipping.
Many, many types, ranging from water guns all the way up to artillery pieces known as siege guns. That's about as much of an answer as can be given, considering you haven't actually asked a question.
YES ! Made 1954 - 1969 Cased Grade I ( Blue Set) one pistol each, .25ACP, .380 ACP and 9mm Hi-power, walnut or black vinyl case.
To break down a Hi-Point 9mm, first ensure the firearm is unloaded. Then, follow the manufacturer's guidelines to disassemble the gun by removing the slide, barrel, and recoil spring. Be sure to clean and lubricate the components before reassembling the firearm.