Suggest that she buy them as a gift for your birthday or for a holiday that's coming up.
usually at stiefelkonig! i was born in austria. all my relatives live there. me my dad mom and two sisters live in america. i have 10 pairs of uggs
convince herif it doesn't work convince your dad
Tell her you are responsible
Just keep asking her about it. It actually took me three years to convince my mom and dad to let me get my bellybutton pierced.
sorry but that really depends on your mom....
Move out.
Buy your own
Just ask her for one
You can convince your mother by letting her know that you are responsible.
To convince your mom that you are not wasting money, prove that you are living within your means. You shold have some money in savings, and you should have reasons for the purchases that you are making.
by begging ofcourse