1360 ml = 45.9870709 US fluid ounces
50 milliliters is approximately 1.69 ounces.
To convert milliliters (mL) to US fluid ounces, use this formula: mL x 0.033814 = US fluid ounces
When you convert 100 milliliters to ounces, the result is approximately 3.4 ounces. One milliliter is equal to 0.033814 ounces.
500 ml = 16.91 US fluid ounces
1.75 ml = 0.06 US fluid ounces
8.1 fluid ounces = about 240 mL (fluid ounces x 29.6 = mL).
ANSWER1 milliliter equals 0.033814 ouncesThere are 30 ml's in 1 ounce.
To convert 14 ounces to milliliters, you would multiply 14 by 29.574 to get approximately 414 milliliters.
There are approximately 0.0338 liquid ounces in a milliliter.
One ounce is equal to 30 cubic centimeters (CC). A cubic centimeter is the same thing as a milliliter. To convert 210 CC, divide 210 by 30. The answer, 7, is the number of ounces.
There are approximately 0.0338 fluid ounces in one milliliter.