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Have you looked at - this is a digital pawn shop, a collector's corner and they are not expensive.

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Sell 'em.

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Q: How do you convert assets to cash without serious money loss?
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How do you convert noncurrent assets into assets?

since noncurrent assets are fixed assets and current asset are business properties tend to be used within a years period example machinery a business can put their properties on sale example they can rent them out as hire purchasing from them the business gets money

What are money held and assets to be received in fixed or determinable amount of money?

monetary assets

What is the difference between assets and fixed assets?

The differences between assets and fixed assets are; If you take an asset you will get your money back anytime but if you get a fixed assets the bank will keep your money untill the timeframe is over.

What is an example of money as a store of value?

Money can be used to buy assets. Assets can be things like land, houses and vehicles. They can be sold in future for money.

What do you mean bankrupt?

Bankrupt means having no money or assets. Bankrupts, therefore, are a group of persons or busnesses that have no money or assets.

What do you mean by Bankrupts?

Bankrupt means having no money or assets. Bankrupts, therefore, are a group of persons or busnesses that have no money or assets.

What does Financial capital include?

Money and assets are financial capital. Businesses can liquidate assets by selling them to get the money they need for operations.

What happens if a person dies without a will and all he has is medical bills and credit card debts but no assets?

Even without assets, the estate has to pay off the debts. If the estate cannot do so, they distribute any money as best they can. If the court approves the distribution plan, the debts are ended.

What assets can you have and still get Section 8 housing?

Right now there is no limit on assets. However, if you have money saved in the bank, 2% of the total money you have (total liquid assets) will be counted as income.

If a person dies without assets but with debt must survivors pay debt?

A person's estate is responsible for their individually incurred debts. If there are no assets then the estate is declared insolvent and the creditors are out of luck. Some people think of assets as only being money in the bank. Perhaps you should speak with an attorney to verify that there are no assets and that the creditors are out of luck.

What are the money and other valuables that belong to a corporation or a partnership called?


Will fit a 455 Buick in to a 1993 Buick roadmaster?

Not without serious modification, but anything is possible if you have enough money for a conversion.