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i think you need to get the unlock code.

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Q: How do you connect a pioneer catv converter bd-v3510hd?
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How do you get your Pioneer CATV Converter BA-6300 to work?

You need to have it authorized with your cable provider, connected to the wall, tv, power socket.If this is all done, and your box is still not working, you may have a faulty box.I saw a cable repair man use a Pioneer Pio Writer before. He connected a few wires and then error code on the pioneer catv converter went away. try looking for something like that.

How can you connect a CATV cable into a computer monitor?

You can connect a CATV cable into a computer monitor by first attaching it to an external TV tuner. A VGA or HDMI output can then be attached to the monitor.

Can you take a DVR in which you have recorded shows from your cable TV and then connect it to a TV that does not have cable in order to view what you have recorded on the DVR.?

The Answer is no. you have to have a cable with the correct signal that can load the information that the box needs, which for most CATV systems is located at 75.25 MHz. This signal loads the firmware, TV guide, and other applications that the CATV company may be using.

What is catv?

Community Antenna Television

What is cable type is used by CATV broadband connection?

RG-59 is the most common coaxial cable used for broadband CATV connection.

What does CATV stand for?

community access television

When was cable television(CATV) invented?


Fat catv mememe?

picsar -:0

How does CATV system work?

Click Start :P

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How can I get a General Instrument Manual for CATV converter?

Don't know which model you have, but Motorola now makes the General Instrument boxes. The following web URL will allow you to download the manuals: Good luck.

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