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Take regular dishwashing soap and water, and with a stiff brush, simply clean in the inside liner. Let it sit out all day to dry and you're done. I've seen suggestions to put it in the dishwasher (!) and to use products like the one above, but this is the simplest and seems to work. Most of what builds up in the helmet is oil from your face/hair and salt from the sweat. These come out easily with soap and warm water.

More about the dishwasher suggestion: It definitely works if done right, since it gets all over; it pretty much sits in the same spot so it shouldn't be knocked around or anything. Another idea is to place the helmet in a carefully padded bag or even something thick like a sweatshirt/sweater in a washing machine- make sure the washing machine is set to no higher then 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit), make sure it is set to "delicates" or "synthetic" and cancel the final spin. Every machine is a little different so no guarantee, but as long as the helmet does not rotate too hard in the washing machine and inside a well protective cloth it comes out smelling clean and looking new. Allow to air dry. It may take up to 2 days. For those with VERY Arai/Shoei high-end helmets, you may want to still consider doing this process manually.

Note - The pads inside might need to be re-glued after surviving the process.

Let it air dry (away from the sun) for at least 24 hours. Try using Helmet Fresh, available from HelmetHead Cycle Gear.

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Q: How do you clean the inside of a motorcycle helmet?
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How do you clean the inside of your motorcycle helmet?

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