Snails can help by eating leftover food and algae, but they may not clean the tank entirely. It's still important to do regular water changes and tank maintenance to keep the water clean and healthy for your African dwarf frogs.
Yes, African dwarf frogs can jump out of their tank if the water level is too low or if there are gaps in the tank lid. It is important to ensure that the tank is properly secured to prevent them from escaping.
I dont think so.
Yes, no problem, just do not overstock the tank.
African dwarf frogs don't need a large tank. A 5-gallon tank is sufficient for a pair of these frogs. They are small and don't require a lot of space to swim and thrive. Just make sure the tank is adequately equipped with hiding spots and gentle filtration.
Yes, African dwarf frogs have been known to jump out of tanks, so it is important to have a secure lid on their tank to prevent them from escaping.
They are small (dwarf) and are native to Africa.They are technically African dwarf frogs.
yes because there underwater so much that they are clean and clean the water.
No, salt should not be used with African dwarf frogs as they are sensitive to changes in water chemistry. Salt can harm their delicate skin and disrupt their osmoregulation. It's best to keep their tank water clean and free from additives like salt.
No ghost shrimp are fine with African dwarf frogs
no, but they can carry diseases like salmonella, so keep your hands clean
Only danger I know of is to the frog itself if it jumps out of your tank. Which they will try.