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return on stockhoder equity is calculated, as netincom divided by stockhoder equity so the resuld will be by percent what ever come from the up metiond value is the stockhoder equity

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15y ago
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14y ago

By getting the stockholder's equity beginning of the year and the stockholder's equity end of the year and divide it by two .

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Q: How do you calculate average total stockholder's equity?
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Stockholders' equity is to a corporation what owner's equity is to a sole proprietorship. Owners of a corporation are called stockholders (or shareholders), because they own (or hold) shares of the company's stock. Stock certificates are paper evidence of ownership in a corporation. For sole proprietorship stocks usually are not issued. Examples of stockholders' equity accounts include: - Common Stock - Preferred Stock - Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par Value - Paid-in Capital from Treasury Stock - Retained Earnings - Etc. Both owner's equity and stockholders' equity accounts will normally have CREDIT balances. How stockholders' equity is reflected in the balance sheet? The stockholders' equity section of a corporation's balance sheet is: - Paid-in Capital - Retained Earnings - Treasury Stock The stockholders' equity section of a corporation's balance sheet is: STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Paid-in Capital ..Preferred Stock ..Common Stock ..Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par Value - Preferred Stock ..Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par Value - Common Stock ..Paid-in Capital from Treasury Stock Retained Earnings Less: Treasury Stock ..TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY

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The tendency of the rate earned on stockholders' equity to vary disproportionately from the rate earned on total assets is sometimes referred to as?


is it true or false if the liabilities owed by a business total $300,000 and stockholders equity is equal to $300,000, then the assets also total $300,000?


What is book value of share?

book value per share is total stockholders equity divided by total number of shares of preferred stock and common stock.

How is the tendency of the rate earned on stockholders' equity to vary disproportionately from the rate earned on total assets is sometimes referred to?

I believe this is known as leverage.