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You need?æto have a box of paper clips, a two-meter string and twenty straight pins. Assemble the your straws connecting them with the pins.

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Q: How do you build earthquake house using only 20 drinking straws?
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Build a protective covering around your house.

How would you build a house for an earthquake area?

make it stronger by Malcolm

Where is a good place to build a house so it won't collapse in an earthquake?

Actually it is not so much where, but HOW you build that house. NO PLACE ON THE PLANET is immune from earthquakes.

How do you build a model of pit house for school project?

Maybe you should use pine straws, where I live there is a bunch of them. Or use some dirt.

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This would depend on what size, type of building you are going to build. If it was a house I would build a timber one because it would flex in an earthquake

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I have a project called earthquake tower challenge and i need to know how do you make a house out of 30 straws and 100 paperclips and 20 pins and 2 meters of string and carboard as a base?

simple, cut the straws in half, melt the extra scraps,f fuse the cut straws into little pyramids, then fuse the pyramids to form a large pyramid with a flat top. then just secure the base to the board with the pins and paperclips. that's what I am going to do.

Can a wolf blow a house of straws down?

No, wolves cannot blow a house of straws down like in the story of "The Three Little Pigs." Wolves do not have the lung capacity or strength to knock down a house in that manner.

How do build a bridge to with stand an earthquake magnitude?

the way they do it is to build the bridge with tighter bolts and metal and they use a system on a house and bridge and do greater the force before it comes tumbling down.

What are the relief and response measures after an earthquake?

—Distribution of food and clothes to the Japanese —build some temporary house to let the people have a place to live

How can an earthquake be stopped by destroying a house or factory?

Destroying a single house or factory cannot stop an earthquake. Earthquakes are caused by the movement of tectonic plates beneath the Earth's surface, which release energy in the form of seismic waves. To prevent earthquake damage, structural reinforcement and building codes should be implemented.

Is it bad to be upstairs in an earthquake?

Not necessarily. If a house is sturdy enough to be able to go through a small earthquake, then there is no problem in being there. However, if a large earthquake occurs, a tsunami occurs after an earthquake, or if your house is old and therefore unstable, it is best to stay on the lowest level of you house.