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This is a simple way to tell. Wash your hands and pick up the chick by the neck (be very very careful!) If the chick puts it legss up to its stomach then it's a girl if it puts it's legs down then it's a boy. Also you can look at the top of the head. If it has a crown it is a boy, if it doesnt it is a girl!!

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14y ago
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15y ago

most people say the best way to know you have a rooster among your hens is that the color of his wings and tail will be darker and by that i mean the color of the feathers. and it may take about 5 to six weeks before you can tell.

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12y ago

Most people assume that a bird's gender cannot be determined except for surgery or a dna test. There is a way to determine gender by feeling the bird. Hold the bird with it's back in the palm of your hand and wings folded. With your index finger, find the keel (breastbone) and follow it down to between the bird's legs. You should feel the front of the bird's pelvis. If there is a wide space, big enough for an egg to go through, you have a female. If the space is narrow, you have a male.

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10y ago

You sex squirrels by the anus, in females the genitalia just forward of anus with hardly any separation, in males the genitalia forward of anus with noticeable space between the two.

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12y ago

well if u cant tell if its a boy then just look it should have something a girl chick wouldn't have...

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Q: How do i tell if baby chicks are male or female?
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