Reality TV shows are TV shows that are not "scripted". This means that the dialogue and scenes depicted on the shows actually happen in real life and are not simulations, henceforth, "reality".
The tryout shows are over until next season
Reality TV is a popular genre of television viewing. There are reality shows about almost anything. There are even reality shows that include naked people.
There are about 29.3% of reality tv shows in the whole entire world and america.
You are going to need to be more specific. Which reality television shows? There are well over one hundred different reality shows on broadcast and cable television in the USA.
Reality TV got its start in 1992 when MTV launched the series The Real World. Since then reality TV has grown in popularity and there are numerous reality TV shows currently airing.
They aren't necessarily bad they just influence children badly
Reality Television shows
distraction is the main cause
See Provided Link
The reality of the situation is other than what you believe. Lots of people watch reality television shows.