The Necktie was created in 2008.
In the Stargirl novels, a porcupine necktie is a necktie with a picture of a porcupine painted or printed on it.
Necktie Second was created in 1994.
I'm going to buy a necktie.
Another name for the necktie is a "tie."
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The cast of Stay Clean - 2002 includes: Walter Coppage as Necktie James Ellroy as Right Greg Kirsch as Left Race Owen as Plunkett
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Necktie.Nicker's if your from South London (England)NECK TIENeckerchief, neckwarmer.neck tienecktieneckerchiefnecklacenegligeenightgownnightshirtnightcapA nightgown :)· necktie · negligee· nightgown· Nike sneakers· nylonsNightgown Necktie· necktie· negligee· nightgown· Nike sneakers· nylonsI wear a necktie. It is a clothing item.
for fashion
The necktie was an identifying mark first used by a Croatian cavalry regiment in the French military.
Because when he was little his uncle had a porcupine necktie and he had always loved it,but when he moves his uncle decides to give it to when he moved to Arizona his mom put in the paper that he wanted to start a porcupine necktie when stargirl saw it on the news paper she gave him a porcupine necktie for his birthday