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- The cotton gin affected slavery because after the cotton gin was invented more slave owners wanted slaves in order to be able to organize the cotton. Since this machine worked really fast in the process of taking the seeds off the cotton, the slaves would have to also work faster to get the cotton & organize it without stopping (even if the machine was to fast).

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The cotton gin made the processing of raw cotton more efficient, hence the cultivation of cotton became more profitable, hence more cotton was cultivated and more labor was required to harvest it. In the antebellum era, slaves were the cheapest form of labor.

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Q: How did the cotton gin lead to the growth of the institution of slavery?
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What lead to more slavery?

The cotton gin

Why did the cotton trade lead to a rise in slavery?

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Why did the invention of the cotton gin lead to more animosity between the north and south?

Because it enabled the huge growth of the cotton industry, whereby the South became a great cotton empire, able to compete economically with the North, but dependent on slavery.

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Why idd the cotton gin lead to more slavery?

Growing cotton became more profitable, and slaves were needed to grow the cotton. Apex ;)

Why did cotton trade lead to a rise in slavery?

The more bales of cotton grown and produced the more workers were needed. By 1860 there were 9 million slaves.

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Industrialization created a high demand for labor to support the growth of industries. This demand led to the expansion of slavery as a way to meet the workforce needs of industries such as cotton farming and manufacturing. The efficiency and productivity of slave labor made it an attractive option for many industries during the industrialization period.

Why was Eli Whitney important part of American history?

He invented the cotton gin which changed the growing of cotton and slavery. Because more cotton could be grown more slaves were needed to produce the cotton that was wanted by England and mills. This lead to factors that changed slavery and eventually will lead to the civil war. He also in 1798 got a government contract to make firearms and made a fortune. Yet, he never made any money from the cotton gin because his workshop was broken into and his machine stolen.

What led to more slavery?

Cotton fields is what lead more slaves. The more the slaves the easy it was to work. The cotton gin

How did the secession lead to the civil war'?

Initially because the USA wanted to save the cotton revenues. On later did Lincoln turn it officially into a war on slavery.

How did problems of indentured servitude lead to political trouble and the growth of African slavery?

The problems with indentured servitude, such as high mortality rates and completion of contracts, led plantation owners to turn to African slavery as a more permanent and cost-effective solution. The political trouble arose as tensions grew between those who benefited from the institution of slavery and those who opposed it, ultimately contributing to the division that led to the American Civil War.

Why did Eli whitneys cotton gin lead to the spread of slavery into more of the south?

The cotton gin made cotton production more profitable, as long as the slave labor remained. More planters pursued larger profits under the plantation system. It made the cotton trade so profitable that Southern leaders were strongly motivated to preserve slavery and extend it, if possible. Growing cotton became more profitable, growers expanded crop acreage, and more slaves were needed to grow the cotton.