If by that do you mean is it biodegradable than the answer is yes. But, not all wool is created equal. Some sheep breeds have very fine,soft weak wool. While others have rough, strong wool. The stronger the wool the longer the product made with it will last. As a result sweaters are commonly made with soft weak fibers while rugs are made with the itchy more durable fibers. Heavy use will cause the wool product to break down over time as the fibers break apart.
Both steel wool and rocks undergo physical and chemical weathering processes when exposed to the elements. Steel wool can rust when exposed to moisture, similar to how rocks can break down due to freezing and thawing cycles or chemical reactions with water. Both processes result in the breakdown of the material over time.
Dogs do not have wool. No types of dogs have wool.
wool coats wool socks wool pants
A wool weaver are people who wool.
A wool sock is what it sounds like... A sock made from wool... You get wool from a sheep.
A wool weaver is one who weaves with wool, fabricating cloth from wool yarn.
Wool. You can get wool from shearing sheep and then going to a spinning wheel and spin the wool into a ball of wool.
A bale of wool. Or a skein of wool.
wool i think.
The hair of a sheep is referred to as wool. Fleece is the wool of a lamb.
Wool is from Australia.
merino wool