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When the swab is wet, it contains water, which itself contains hydrogen. Otherwise, no.

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Q: Does a cotton swab contain hydrogen?
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Related questions

What Material is used to make a cotton swab?

to make a cotton swab, you need a cotton plant to produce cotton.

Does vons give urine or cotton swab tests?

They do a cotton swab test

With what do you swab bacteria onto a petri dish?

We can not swab bacteria directly on to a petridish its because swab's front part contain cotton which may damage the evenness of the agar in petridish so its better to draw the bacteria from swab to a broth after 24 hours if it is innoculated on to petridish with sterile loop we can grow the bacteria

Which type of swab used for cleaning validation?

sterile cotton swab

What name is used for cotton wool that is used to mop up blood?

That's called a 'swab'.

What is the use of a cotton swab?

a cotton swab is used for many things. For example, they can be used for cleaning ears, baby care, and beauty reasons.

How long can alcohol be detected in your system for cotton swab testing?

Alcohol can be detected in your system from a cotton swab test for two days. A cotton swab test is also known as a saliva test, and results can vary depending on how much alcohol was consumed.

What holds more water the cotton ball or cotton swab?

a cotton wool ball because it is bigger

Is it better to use a cotton swab or hair for a paternity test?

They use cotton swabs.

Is the DNA cotton swab test accurate?

Not always.

How do you clean the gears and axles of motorized Thomas the Tank Engine off-the-rail vehicles?

Use a cotton swab dipped in kerosene. Gently wipe the gears with the swab. Force the gears to rotate by turning the wheels. Watch that you do not get the cotton caught in the gears. If you cannot or do not want to get kerosene, use fingernail polish remover that does NOT contain acetone.

What household item can you use to clean computer monitor?

a cotton swab or 100% cotton rags