That really depends on the person. ask someone you trust for their opinion on the child step-parent. Let them know that your kinds come first. if you love this person and they love you, they are most likely good people and will be good stepparents. I hope this helps and best of luck to you!
no you crazy lady how could u say that love your husband, love his kids
Stepparents are not responsible for their step children. This depends on the state. Yes in California, which is 20%, and Indiana, which uses a difference in household incomes.
spouses, half siblings, step siblings, cross siblings, parents, children, grandparents, stepparents, stepgrandparents, half, step, and cross uncles and aunts, half-cousins, step-cousins, cross cousins and almost anything else in the real world.
if the stepparents have permission from their stepkids' parents. but i think no.
None unless the custodial parent agrees to visitation. Stepparents have no rights concerning a non-biological child unless the court grants them guardianship.
Stepparents are not responsible for their stepchildren.
Issues such as these always depend on the state involved; however, it is safe to say that a step-parent's biological children will get all of the estate to the exclusion of step-children, even if the biological children are estranged from the decedent and the step-child is for all intents and purposes, like a child to the decedent. A stepchild is not considered an heir to a decedent because there is no blood or adoptive relation. In other words, no true legal relation. Some states have made some provisions for stepchildren to inherit part of an intestate estate. In New Jersey, a step-child may inherit part of a step-parent's intestate estate only if the decedent has no descendants and if there are no descendants of any grandparent. Thus, In NJ, no step-child may inherit any part of a step-parent's estate if there are biological children.
1º step: Travel to his supposed house. 2º step: Speak to him and try to make him in love with you. 3º step: Go out with him and make children together. I hope it will help you ..x
Elizabeth Hodder has written: 'The step-parents' handbook' -- subject(s): Family relationships, Parent and child, Stepchildren, Stepparents 'Preparation for step-parenthood' 'Book of Old Tarts' 'Stepfamilies' -- subject(s): Juvenile literature, Stepfamilies
Betty White has three step-children, two step daughters and a step son.
Betty White has three step-children, two step daughters and a step son.
If they are not your daughter's children, then they are all step children. They will be called step-grand children. If they have children, those are step-great grand children. If they are your daughter's children, you must know that they are your grand children as they are directly related to you.