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Q: Can you use yarn to make a paper cup telephone?
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How do you make string telephone?

Take two paper cups and poke wholes through the bottom. Get some string and insert it through the bottom of the cup. Tie knots on the ends of it so it will pull through the bottom of the cup. Then make the string taught and talk into the cup. If pulled taut enough, the string will carry the vibrations of your speech, and your string telephone should work.

Do different types of string or string length Affect the effiency of paper cup or tin can telephone?

yes the shorter it is and the more lightweight it is the better your tin can telephone will be.

How do you recycle a paper cup?

make a fish hook

What is the mass of a paper cup?

The Mass Of A Paper Cup Is About 1.95grams

What is open end yarn?

An open end yarn is a process used in making coarse yarn without using a spindle. Fibers are usually fed into a high-speed rotor shaped similar to a cup.

How can you make a sugar crystal?

Take a piece of yarn and tie one end to the middle of the pencil. You will balance the pencil across the top of a glass cup or jar when making the crystal. Make sure the string touches the bottom of the glass. Be sure to use cotton or wool yarn; synthetic fibers won't work. Remove the pencil and yarn once you verify that the yarn reaches the bottom of the jar.Boil 1 cup water, remove from heat, and add up to 3 cups sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time. Stir as the sugar dissolves, and continue this until no more sugar can dissolve.Pour the sugar solution into the glass cup or jar.Place the pencil and string across the top of the jar and make certain the end of the yarn is in the sugar solution.Leave the crystal setup alone. Cover the top of the cup or jar with thin gauze or paper if you like, to prevent dust or bugs from getting into the solution.Check your crystal project within 24 hours; crystals should be forming.Leave the crystals alone for a week. By the end of a week (sometimes up to 10 days) the crystals should have crept up the string and be fully formed.

Does a paper cup make your liquids evaporate before a glass cup?

Does not evaporate faster but does absorb so it will go away faster.

What invention can you make with a paper napkin a paper cup piece of string plastic spoon paper plate and a wooden skewer?

Type your answer here... pairy the platupuse

When was The Paper Cup Company created?

The Paper Cup Company was created in 2006.

How do you make a glacier for a science project?

1) This is what you'll need... paper cup(s) ,water or a faucet , rocks (small and medium sized), and a freezer. 2) First, fill your paper cup with 2 cm. or less than an inch of sand. 3) Next, put abut 1 or 2(or as desired) rocks in the sand inside of the cup. 4) Then, fill the paper cup three fourths of the way to he top of paper cup. 5) Last, put cup in freezer. 6) If you want to make it a lesson, you peel the paper cup off after it is frozen and rub it on a bar of soap and have them tell/write about what the glacier does to land (soap) or customize what you want them to write.

Which single container uses up the fewest resources from environment?

Paper cup uses the fewest resources from the environment.

When was Dirty Paper Cup created?

Dirty Paper Cup was created in 2006-10.