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nope cause water can enter your body and infection is highly likely even in salt water and also it is unhygienic for other people swimming

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Q: Can you swim with stitches in your back?
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Can you swim if you have stitches in your forehead?

Doctors recommend avoiding swimming while you have stitches. You should wait until the wound has healed and the stitches are removed.

What are some examples of joining stitches in sewing?

back stitches, machine . running stitches

Can you swim at the beach with stitches between your toes if you have had them for a week and a half?

It is not a good idea. The wound should be healed at that point but you still have the stitches creating little punctures in the skin.

How do you add stitches to make more stitches?

This process is called increase. You can increase stitches by one when you knit in both the front and the back of a stitch, thus turning a single stitch into two stitches.

What is stitches in french?

Stitches on your face after an accident for example are "points de suture". Stitches in sewing would simply be "points" + the type of stitch (e.g: back stich > point arrière).

When can your dog swim after being castrated?

i wouldn't recommend taking him/her for a while... probably bout two weeks or until his/her stitches have healed up

Mention four kinds of stitches?

This depends on what general kind of stitches you mean. For example, four kinds of hand sewing stitches include the basting stitch, overcast stitch, back stitch and running stitch.

What is ssk slip to marker slip marker?

ssk = slip slip knit That means you slip the next two stitches, individually, knit-wise (insert right needle under stitch and remove) back to the right needle. Then insert the left needle underneath the slipped stitches, wrap yarn around the back of the right needle, then pull the yarn through the slipped stitches from the back, take worked stitches off left needle.

Can I lay down after getting stitches in my back?

no because it causes blood to drip

What does slip 2 stitches to stitch holder mean in knitting terms?

Stitch holders are used to hold stitches until you are supposed to add them back into your work. Take the 2 stitches put them onto a stitch holder then continue with your pattnern.

Can you remove stitches yourself?

I cut my arm open a while back and had 32 stitches i wouldn't suggest removing them yourself but i suppose u could if you really wanted.

Why would a Black Moor swim on its back and even sleep on its back?

Sounds like it may be a problem with the swim bladder.