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yes put *69(star 69) but only do this if its true dnt call as a prank your safety is important

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Q: Can you anonymously call the cops and tell them about drug activity?
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How much is it to come and have a drug dog come and search your school?

You do not need to pay for it. If the cops suspect drug trafficking in your school they will do it themselves. Someone must raise a complaint with the cops about the suspected drug activity in the school for them to take that action.

How do you report illegal drug activity?

Call the police.

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call the cops, he'll be gone a long time

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kick them out call the cops have someone else take them home IMMEDIATELY

How do you enter a Drug Rehab Center anonymously?

YOu can enter a Drug Rehab Center anonymously by signing a privacy protection form. You can find more info at Most drug rehabilitation centers offer the option of anonymity. When signing into the center this option is discussed with patients and the approriate forms are provided.

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If a loved one has drug problems and i call the cops on him what will be the consquences I don't want to ruin his life but there is no other way to help him or get him to go to rehab?

Tell him to get to re-hab or your next call will be the police! He will thank you laterType your answer here...

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Cops - 1989 Ohio Drug Arrests Special Edition 19-28 was released on: USA: May 2007

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I think cocain is the drug of the year dude. By the way if the cops ask who wrote this, it was a random pedo.

Do most cops know street names for drugs?

The Officers who specialise in drugs and drug related crime would have a thorough knowledge of all the local street names. Officers who are not specialist in this field would know the basics and call the drug squad if they needed support.

Is it OK for an ex drug dealer to give money to the Church?

I'm sure they wouldn't turn it down...perhaps give it anonymously....

Did ariadna thalia sodi Miranda die?

no she did not die she just hiding from the cops cause of a drug she did