

Can seeds germinate in cotton

Updated: 10/5/2023
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12y ago

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To germinate cotton seeds dig holes in the ground approximately 6 to 8 inches deep. Rows should be 1 to 1 1/2 feet wide and 2 feet apart. Place a couple seeds in the dirt, cover up and water. Continue watering every week until they bloom in about 16 weeks.

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Q: Can seeds germinate in cotton
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Seeds need moisture to initiate the germination process. Dry cotton wool does not provide the necessary moisture for seeds to germinate. Additionally, seeds need oxygen to germinate, which may not be readily available in dry cotton wool.

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Observation-Seeds placed in cotton germinate the same as seeds placed in soil, Hypothesis- Seeds do not need soil for germination Manipulating variables- soil, cotton Responding- height of seeds germinated

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Yes, sweet basil seeds can germinate in the dark. While some seeds require light to germinate, sweet basil seeds do not have this requirement and can germinate in the absence of light.

Why don't seeds need soil to germinate?

A plant can also germinate in wet cotton wool.because even soft things such as a wet cloth or a wet paper towelGenerally, seeds need water to grow in soil so that means that yes.

Can mongo seed grow in the cotton with water?

Mongo seeds can grow in cotton with water, as the cotton serves as a medium for the seed to germinate and grow. The water provides the necessary moisture for the seed to sprout and develop. Make sure to keep the cotton moist but not waterlogged for successful seed germination.

What are the three things that a cell needs to germinate?

Cells do not germinate. Seeds germinate.

Where plant grow and seeds germinate?

Plants grow from the roots and seeds germinate in the roots as well.

What are the fastest seeds to germinate?

Pea seeds

Does seeds have to be frozen to sprout?

No,seeds needn't be frozen to sprout. Seeds sprout just liek grains, when they are placed in a moist environment. It is prefferable to keep them ia a wet cotton cloth for a day or two, so that the can germinate easily.

Would you expect most seeds to need sunlight in order to germinate?

No. Seeds are usually underground when they germinate, no light needed.