No, because there is no such things as "aliens''. And any "living" thing can have a baby exept for plants/trees.-some1 lol. shes/hes talkin about toy aliens either scradox or shadow aliens-me.
yes they can but take note at only adult ones can the babys ain't got enough stuff in them from bamittzjonny x
aliens don't have balls they have babys even they clone them self's
There is no evidence that aliens exist therefore the biology of aliens, if they do, is unknown
At the back of their heads they will crumble. This is when you have to CARFULLY pull the alien out.
It takes them nine months just like a human!
yes they can, my friend has done it before but it's very hard to get them too.
Well, you probably were a baby
i think that you can have babys
it depends try it.
you can not make the normal aliens have babies. But if you buy the birthpod pack then you can Steps for baby: 1. open your alien pod and take out the mother and unwrap her from the goo. 2. then gently squeeze the head and back and 2 babys will pop out. - hope this helps xx
You can get baby gooey aliens from your local news agents. Walmart Tagget i belive.