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You can if the photographer died since more then 70 years. If so, they are now in the public domain so you can freely use them.

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Q: Can I copy 80 year old family photos I have no information on who took the photos but they look professional. I am trying to make copies for my kids.?
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If your father gave you your baby pictures can you sell copies of them on the internet?

If he was the photographer, and he also transferred copyright to you, yes. Note that copyright in professional images such as school photos would be controlled by the studio.

Where can you find online photographs of your ancestors?

Try or www.rootsweb.comAnswerTry, search the surname on eBay. USGenWeb has a photo archive project currently.The best way to locate photos is to write to family members - even ones you just found. They are usually happy to share copies of their photos if you offer copies of yours first.

What are the rules about copying professional photos?

Often professional photographers retain the copyright to pictures they take so it is technically illegal to make your own copies. Stores like Wal-Mart sometimes adopt policies to prevent any complaints about aiding copyright infringement. Your options include trying other stores, buying copies from the original photographer, or getting the original photographer to sign a release allowing copies to be made.

How can I get professional looking photos ?

Professional looking photos can be easily captured and edited from home using a good quality camera along with photo editing programs. With Adobe Photoshop many effects can be applied to photos creating professional looking photos from home.

Where can one find professional pictures of the moon?

The best place to find professional photos of the moon is to go to a local professional photographer and ask if they have any photos available or request that they take one for you. You may also find professional photos of the moon online from professional photography companies such as eMoon Photography.

Where can someone perform a free ancestry search?

There are many sites that offer free family ancestry searches. One such site is family search. Here you can enter information and photos about your family or search for ancestry information already entered.

What do you call the professional in taking photos?


Where can one find family photos?

If one is looking for older family photos, one should ask older relatives in their family. Often, these individuals have many family photos in albums and in storage. For more recent family photos, one may want to check family member's social media accounts.

How do you say family photos in french?

Photos de famille.

How does one begin to trace their family tree?

There are many websites that can help you research your family genealogoy. Your first step in this process is to gather all the information you do have, including photos, documents and also family heirlooms.

What photos do you take at a photoshoot?

Maybe family photos. Also more!!

What do all the family photos suggest?

that you have had family before and you can see pictures of them. Its pretty cool to see people in your family that died before you saw them. You are lucky if you have family photos.