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Q: Are glow sticks recyclable especially in southern California?
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The Italian peninsula sticks out from southern Europe into the?

It sticks to the Mediterraneansea.

What material did California Indians make baskets?

wood and sticks or twigs

What climates do walking sticks live in?

Walking sticks live in tropical climates. There are species in the southern parts of the United States. There are many in Central and South America.

What are some things that California has and Hawaii does not have in common?

Well...California sticks together in the united states, but Hawaii is off of United States.

Are glue sticks suitable for children?

There are many glue sticks made especially for children that do not contain caustic materials. These glue sticks general are made from non toxic glue binders developed from certain food products.

What are suggestions for appetizers served at a southern style meal?

A few suggestions for southern style appetizers are stuffed mushrooms, tarts, cheese sticks, or cheese ring.

Is Queensland warmer than Tasmania?

Queensland is warmer. Most of Queensland is in the tropics. Tasmania is the southern most state of Australia and sticks way out into the Southern Ocean in the Temperate Zone.

Are bully sticks healthy for dogs?

Bully sticks are made especially for the dogs, and are good for there overall health. You can give them these sticks to make them engage on this tasty yet healthy. When the dogs are small they use to chew anything they get weather it is shoes or furniture's. Which are not good for there health and they may also damage there digestive system. But with the bully sticks they get engage in them which are good for there overall health including the digestive health and the oral health of the dogs. You can also buy these bully sticks from My Bully Sticks.

How does ecstasy affect others?

makes them happy and really into textures, visuals, conversations, and bright lights. glow sticks especially.

Do you need to do something special to store away hurling sticks so they don't dry out?

Not especially. If you look after them, they can last for years.

How do you cover your shower window?

If you go to the bathroom section at home depot or lowes they have a special vinyl that sticks to the window especially for that.