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The competing focal points

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Aditya Eichmann

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Q: Why is Velázquez's 'Las Meninas' The Maids of Honor considered such a complex painting?
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What is the definition of painting in layers?

Subtle and complex effects are created in paintings by painting several layers of paint, on top of each other.

Why was paper money more artistic back then and not now?

The artistic designs used on some currency were considered too easily counterfeited since the counterfeiter could make numerous errors and because of the complex design those errors would be difficult to notice. A simpler design, while easily counterfeited as well, does not conceal the errors as well as the older complex designs.

What impact did Pieter Bruegal the Elder have on the Renaissance?

Pieter Bruegel is known as one of the first renaissance artists to recognize a landscape on its own and not just the backgrounds of religious paintings. He also decided to paint about peasants who fascinated him. He also made paintings that were very complex and hard to understand. This led to a whole new creative style of painting, which was about peasants and landscapes, not just portraits and religious paintings. So Pieter decided to paint what he wanted to paint and not what every other artist at that time painted. This influenced other painters at that time as well.

What were some influences in Pieter Bruegel's work?

Bruegel was influenced by French and Italian artists during his journeys in those two countries but actually kept more to his own style which was the late Gothic style of Hieronymus Bosch and paintings that are confusing and very complex, for example, 100 Proverbs which illustrates 100 proverbs. On the trips though he was mainly influenced by the landscapes, for example he made a lot of sketches of the Alps when he crossed them to get back to Antwerp. He was also influenced by his own master, Pieter Coecke van Aelst, that he had during his time in the painter's guild in Antwerp. Other than that, he was a very individual artist who got most of the ideas on his paintings from himself.As he lived in Antwerp and Brussels most of his life he probably got a lot of the landscapes and peasant paintings from that area.There was almost never an individual patron that he worked for, this is because he made paintings when he wanted to make paintings. And when he made paintings, they contained many people that he sketched from when he saw them or the people were in a landscape, where you don't really need people to pose for you.The relationship between him and his patrons would be that he is very interested in peasants and painting landscapes.

What influenced Hundertwasser's work?

He would use anything he could find, plywood, slate, even the ground to be his canvas. He made his own paints and just painted using that and that only. He had a very abstract kind of Picasso style to his artwork. He uses a lot of complex patterns and shapes in his paintings, along with a mix of lots of bright colours

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Why is velázquez's las meninas the maids of honor considered such a complex painting?

The competing focal points

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Subtle and complex effects are created in paintings by painting several layers of paint, on top of each other.

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