

Best Answer


Faith Ringgold


Aaron Douglas

Palmer Hayden

William H. Johnson

Lois Mailou Jones

Jacob Lawrence

Archibald J. Motley Jr.


James Van Der Zee

Poetry & Prose

Countee Cullen

Jessie Redmon Fauset

Langston Hughes

Zora Neale Hurston

James Weldon Johnson

Nella Larsen

Claude McKay

Wallace Thurman

Jean Toomer


Augusta Savage

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Q: Who was a black artist of the Harlem Renaissance?
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How does the Harlem Renaissance affect people today?

without the Harlem Renaissance there would be no rap, R&B, hip-hop music today or black artist, authors, actors, etc

Who was the important artist in the Harlem Renaissance?

One of the Harlem Renaissance important people were Romare Bearden, and definintleyLangston Hughes.

Who benifited from the Harlem Renaissance?

The people in the Harlem Renaissance were aspiring African American artists. A writer that benefited form the Harlem Renaissance was Langston Hughes. One of the major singers that benefited from the Harlem Renaissance was Ella Fitzgerald. The people in the Harlem Renaissance were aspiring black artists.

What renaissance is helled every year derring black history month?

it is the harlem renaissance

What made Ella Fitzgerald significant to the Harlem Renaissance?

She was black.

Why was the Harlem Renaissance also called the negro renaissance?

The Harlem Renaissance was the awakening of black people, so to speak. It was when African Americans began making contributions to literature, music, poetry, etc. Many consider the Harlem Renaissance the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement.

What was the name of the art and literary movement that took place among African American during the 1920s and 1930s?

Harlem Renaissance

What is the significance of the Harlem Renaissance to Black culture?

The Harlem Renaissance was a great boon to Black culture. At a time when racism was rampant in the US, it was amazing that the culture makers of that era were Black artists, poets, writers, musicians, and singers.

Which Renaissance saw the resurgence of black music through jazz?


What started the Harlem renaissance?

what started the Harlem Renaissance?

What makes Lena horne important person to the Harlem Renaissance?

she was a artist and a composier and she sang really good :I

Which artist from the Harlem Renaissance used geometric shapes and areas of flat color in his work?

Jacob Lawrence