There is a lot of archaeological evidence such as Pompeii, Herculaneum and the mosaics found in the remains of villas all over Europe and North Africa that it was the Romans. They went to great lengths in both time and money to decorate the interiors of their houses.
There is no really definite time on when interior design started. Though in history, rich people loves to decorate their houses in so many ways such as the Egyptians. Egyptians are the people who are very particular on the design of their furniture. Thus, this only proves that interior design have started way back in time.
Classes on Fine Art, 3D Designs and Interior Architecture are important for interior designing.
It started way back in time. The first interior designers are the caveman. They drew animals and themselves with spears. Proof of this is the Lascaux cave in France and the Altamira cave paintings in Spain.
The first caveman to draw on his cave walls.
No one really knoes for sure how it started but we can imagine that it was simply the wealthy people who wanted nice & exotic furniture in their homes. Even the ancient Romans & Egyptions who had money were known to have had exquisite and in-style of the time furniture and general living spaces
There is no really definite time on when interior design started. Though in history, rich people loves to decorate their houses in so many ways such as the Egyptians. Egyptians are the people who are very particular on the design of their furniture. Thus, this only proves that interior design have started way back in time.
Some classic books about interior design are The Better Homes and Garden books. These interior design books have been around for a long time. Another good Interior Design Book is Home by Design.
Interior design
You go to a college that offers a degree in interior design.
I bet Interior Design Institute is a scam.
Classes on Fine Art, 3D Designs and Interior Architecture are important for interior designing.
Interior architecture is simply the design of the interior of a building or structure. Where as interior design deals with how pretty it is and architecture being the design of the overall structure and the exterior, a logical conclusion would be the structural design of the interior walls and/or style."Interior Architecture bridges the practices of interior design and architecture so that professionals working in the field have a structural and load bearing education with an emphasis on interior spaces. The field is similar to architecture in that it deals with structures and load bearing walls. It is similar to interior design in that it focuses on interior spaces."1____________ 1 Wikipedia
An online site that specializes in interior design software is After you figure out how you want to design, then you can go to Home Depot to buy your supplies.
The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) has a highly rated interior design program. Visit: The University of South Carolina offers a major in interior design:
ITT offers a class in interior design
The Society of British Interior Design was created in 2009.
If you mean interior design, then yes.