Gregorian chants were not a popular form during the Renaissance period.
Plain song was not a popular form during the Renaissance period.
the major focus of renaissance artists was on nature and the human form.
Strophic in form with a fa la la chorus-
ninja boy
Plain song was not a popular form during the Renaissance period.
The villancico was developed in Spain during the Renaissance period. This form of vocal music became popular in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries.
No, madrigals were secular vocal compositions that set poetry to music and were popular during the Renaissance period. They were typically written in vernacular languages and often expressed themes of love, nature, and social satire. Sacred music in the Renaissance, such as motets and masses, was used for religious purposes in liturgical settings.
Secular music genres such as madrigals and chansons were popular during the Renaissance period. Madrigals were particularly favored for their expressive and emotional content, evolving into a sophisticated form of vocal music characterized by intricate harmonies and texts inspired by poetry.
A cappella
Minstrels did not typically use sonnets. Sonnets are a specific form of poetry that originated in Italy and became popular in English literature during the Renaissance, while minstrels were performers who often sang ballads or told stories in verse during the medieval period.
The United States did not exist during the Renaissance. The people here were the native Indians and they had little in the form of history.
Considered the founder of the baroque style that started in France. This became a very popular form of art during this time period.
The word is spelled renaissance. A renaissance could also be called a rebirth of ideas particularly artistic and spiritual ideas. An example sentence using the word renaissance is, "The Renaissance was a period of enlightenment that began during the 14th century and lasted until the 17th century."