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I am probably helping some 8th grader on their test based on how ackwardly this question is stated, but here goes:

I think you are asking "what feature of gothic architecture allowed for the construction of larger, taller cathedrals."

If this is what you are asking, your answer is the flying buttress, which provided additional aupport to the structures and allowed architects to build taller cathedrals.

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Q: Which gothic invention solved the problem of thrust allowing cathedral to soar to new heights?
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What legacy did brunelleschi want to have during the renaissance?

Brunelleschi created the dome on the cathedral in Florence and even today it is studied for his technique and engineering. It is considered a marvel of the Renaissance and it is his legacy to the future.

What kinds of situations might keep a designer from moving sequentially through a design process?

Any problem in the design of the product might force the designer to redesign the product to fix the problem, thus, interfering with the completion.

The problem you all live with painting?

it was a painting by Norman rockwell he did for Look magazine in 1964

How did some filipino painters and composers help solve problem of national identity of their works?

For me, they help to solved the problem in national identity by the use of their talents especially in painting. Painting is one of the most useful materials to show to others what we really want to pretend, what we really want to express. As a filipino people I should use my ability and skill to show how I love my country, how I really proud what my identities is.

Who invented the methods of perspective?

this is a high level cognitive function innate to all modern humans, a person might see all sides of a situation or be it problem, and try to use a best fit solution to solve it. So it was not invented just documented or observed by very intelligent scientists who work hard or you invented it by asking ....this question. :-).....just remember the following... The more i know....the more i realise that i really know little.

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