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Q: Where would the mask shown in the chapter opener be placed?
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What is the difference between shown in drawing and shown on drawing?

Shown in drawing and shown on drawing can mean the same thing. These statements would both indicate that the concept is shown somewhere within the drawing.

How were the renaissance ideals of humanism and individualism reflected in the arts?

Humanism was shown in literary works such as Dante Alghieris Divine Comedy. Would this happen to be for ap wold history? I just learned it

What is the history of Cock and swine tattoos?

The history behind the cock and the swine tattoo dates back to the days of clippers ships and when sailing the seas was very treacherous. When a sailor has the tattoos they would be primarily placed on the feet of his/her body. What this meant was that the man/woman would not drown if ship wrecked or was scuttled. Now what is behind the symbolism. When a ship would be shipwrecked or lost at sea most of the time all that would be left would be provisioned floating in the ocean. Almost certainly after a shipwreck the swines and cocks would be found floating among the wreckage. This is because they would be corralled in a wooden crate, and thus be found floating and meandering through the ocean. This also leads back to why sailors would get it tattooed on their feet.

Renaissance art tried to show people and objects as they would appear in life?

No, that was impressionist art in the late 1800's early 1900's. Renaissance art was more symbolic and had religious themes and classical landscapes. They often tried to copy or reproduce classic Greek and Roman art, but with more perspective and movement within the art. The items placed within a Renaissance painting gave information about the subject and the viewer knew what they meant by the relationship with the main subject. There was also the use of glazes and the fleshy tones used by the painter.

Why do you think Petrarch placed so much emphasis on the study of history during renaissance?

The Renaissance scholar Petrarch warned against history:" O inglorious age! that scorns antiquity, it's mother, to whom it owes every noble art... What can be said in defense of men of education who ought not to be ignorant of antiquity and yet are plunged in... darkness and delusion?"Petrarch's ideas would affect education fro many years. Education and new ways of spreading information would take the Renaissance far beyond Italy.

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How would you open a can if you did not have a can opener?

A kitchen without a can opener is like a boat without an anchor

Would you include a envelope opener with executive desk accessories?

I would include an envelope opener with executive desk accessories. I would preferably include a leather chrome or gold finished envelope opener to an executive desk.

How much does a garage door opener cost?

Buying a garage door opener from a store would set you back about 150 dollars per opener and then set up is all you. Going through a professional would be a little pricier, but they will have professional grade openers that fit your model. That would be about 300-350 dollars.

Why would one use a Chamberlain door opener?

The Chamberlain door opener is a very simple to use do-it-yourself garage opener. It can prove useful if you are still new to doing things yourself, however, then this is a good recommendation.

An eye opener meaning?

When someone says something was an eye opener, the meaning is that whatever was done or said, made them aware of things that were not known to them before. For example if one friend was not invited to a party and everyone else was, it would should the friend who was not invited that they were not as good friends as they thought. This would be an eye opener.

What is the fulcrum of the can opener?

The fulcrum of a can opener is the point where the lever pivots to apply force to the can lid. It is typically located near the cutting wheel and handle of the can opener. The fulcrum is essential for the opener to exert the required pressure to puncture and open the can.

Why is metal used in can opener?

Would you use plastic or wood .

What is a Hinky-Pinky for a battle opener?

A Hink-Pink would be First Curse.

What is use of can opener?

How would you open cans without one

Is the Gizmo Cordless can opener a good investment?

If you have difficulty opening cans with a normal can opener and use a lot of canned goods then I would recomend this product. Although it is much more pricier than the ordinary can opener that you have to twist, it is a good investment if necessary. This is also a good investment for those who are suffering from arthritis and aren't able to twist the manual can opener.

If you exert a force of 20 newtons on a can opener and the opener exerts a force of 60newton on the can the ideal mechanica advantage of the can opener is?

The ideal mechanical advantage of the can opener is calculated as the ratio of the output force to the input force. In this case, it would be 60 newtons (output force) divided by 20 newtons (input force), which equals 3. This means that for every 1 newton of input force applied, the opener can exert 3 newtons of force on the can.

How do you open trunk on a 2003 vw golf?

on your driver side door there should be a button next to the gas cap opener. lift that button as if u would for the gas cap opener.