

Best Answer

Wallpaper was invented FIRST in England.

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Q: Where was the wallpaper invented?
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When was wallpaper invented?


In what year was wallpaper invented and why?

wallpaper was invented during the reinassance so u can find the date on another website thanks have a nice day

What popular toy was originally invented as a type of wallpaper cleaner?

Play-Doh was first marketed as a wallpaper cleaner.

Who invented Play-Doh?

Joseph McVicker invented play-doh in 1956 from an idea he got from wallpaper cleaner

How much did play doh cost?

In 1955 when it was first invented out of wallpaper glue it could sell for 150 dollars. When the original wallpaper glue in a can which was the same thing only sold for about 75 dollars.

What city and state was wallpaper invented?

It wasn't made in America. Nothing good ever comes from America.

When was play-dho invented?

Play-Doh was originally designed as a wallpaper cleaner & was invented by Noah & Joseph McVicker, who founded Rainbow Crafts. Was made in 1955.

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