"The Kiss" was painted by Gustav Klimt. The painting was painted some time between 1907 and 1908. Today, the painting can be found at the Osterreichische Galerie Belvedere museum, located in Vienna.
It was painted in 1568 and was finished completly in 1600.
The painting 'The Chinese Girl', also known as 'The Green Lady' was painted by Vladimir Tretchikoff. It is an oil painting and canvas and was painted between 1952 and 1953.
Leonardo Da Vinci
Georgia O'Keeffe
because he painted as dots
to be honest i only know 2 of his achievements 1. he painted the mona lisa 2. he painted the last supper
The painting The Ambassadors was painted in 1533.
carefully painted, quickly painted, slowly painted.
no, he has never painted a painting.
it was painted in 1957
It was painted in 1519 AD
it was painted in Italy.
claude monet painted waterlillies
the person who painted the classic painting ophelia was Arthur Hughes
Grant Wood painted the "American Gothic" (aka - pitchfork painting as you call it) -Altizzi
it was painted in 1957