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Q: Where is the noun in the sentence the boy wanted to paint?
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Give a sentence using a noun?

1)A boy is playing in the play groundhere the words boy and ground are nouns2) I like that paint!here "paint" is a noun

Which is the noun in the boy dropped his book?

The noun in the sentence "the boy dropped his book" is "boy." It is the subject of the sentence and the main noun referring to the person performing the action.

What is the proper noun in the sentence 'Naveen is a good boy'?

The proper noun in the sentence "Naveen is a good boy" is the word "Naveen."

What is the noun in the sentence My friend Harry is a kind boy?

The nouns in the sentence are:friend, common noun, subject of the sentence;Harry, proper noun, an appositive, renames the noun 'friend';boy, common noun, subject complement, renames the subject noun.

What is the noun in the sentence the boy carried the bag to the car?

The nouns in the sentence are boy, bag, and car.

The subject of a sentence may be what parts of speech?

The subject of a sentence may be either a noun or pronoun. An example is 'The boy was home.' The subject is the noun boy.

What is a nominative object and a possessive?

A nominative noun is a noun functioning as the subject of a sentence or a clause.An objective noun is a noun functioning as the object of a verb or a preposition.A possessive noun is a noun indicating ownership, possession, purpose, or origin of another word in the sentence.Examples:The boy is riding a bicycle. (the noun 'boy' is the subject of the sentence)The bicycle that the boy rides is new. (the noun 'boy' is the subject of the relative clause)I saw the boy on the bicycle. (the noun 'boy' is the direct object of the verb 'saw')I waited for the boy to pass. (the noun 'boy' is the object of the preposition 'for')The boy's bicycle was red. (the possessive form of the 'bicycle of the boy')

What is a nominative objective and a possessive?

A nominative case is used for the subject of a sentence, a subjective pronoun. An objective case is used for the direct or indirect object of a sentence, an objective pronoun. A possessive case indicates ownership or association with something.

Is boy's possessive?

Yes, the word boy's is a possessive noun, the apostrophe s ('s) at the end of the noun indicates that something in the sentence belongs to a boy.Example: The boy's name is Opie.

A sentence using the word sample?

This sentence is a SAMPLE sentence.The boy wanted a sample of the food.The woman wanted a sample of the perfume.The man wanted a sample of the wine.

What is the difference between the subject and a noun?

A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing. A noun is used for the subject of a sentence or clause and the object of a verb or a preposition.The subject is what the sentence is about. The subject of a sentence can be a noun or a pronoun (a word that takes the place of a noun); a single word or a group of words. For Example:John ran home. ('John' is a proper noun, a person's name, the subject of the sentence.)The crying child ran home. (The noun 'child' is the subject of the sentence; the noun phrase 'the crying child' is the complete subject of the sentence.)He ran home. (The pronoun he is taking the place of the noun John, or the noun child; 'he' is the subject of the sentence.)A boy with a book in his hand ran home. (The noun 'boy' is the subject of the sentence; 'a boy with a book in his hand' is the complete subject.)The noun 'home' is the object of all of the sentences.In the last sentence, the noun 'book' is the object of the preposition 'with', and the noun 'hand' is the object of the preposition 'in'.

A sentence with the word freedom in it?

The boy was given freedom to do whatever he wanted.