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Q: What was life like for rich people during the renaissance?
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How was town life during the Renaissance?

In the renaissance there were lots of little shops and people running around. People had jobs like merchants, bankers, or tradespeople.

How did the Renaissance affect the peoples viewpoint of destiny or fate?

The Renaissance gave people a feeling of purpose during life on earth, instead of focusing on the afterlife like the medieval times.

What was the life of a merchant like during the renaissance?

i really don't know

How life like in London during the Renaissance times?

Well, Life in London during the Renaissance was About the same as it had been in The Middle Ages, there were still no hygenal morals and no sense of class, or manners! Written By: Lorelei Jacobson:)

What did people do different during the renaissance?

they did everything differently like: - cook -clean - wash - education

What new technique did artists use during renaissance what did it do?

Renaissance artists used value and perspective to make their paintings look more realistic and dynamic and life like

What did clothing look like during the American renaissance?

Italian and Germanic designs influenced people in America during renaissance. Clothing of women were square-shaped or barrel-shaped and wide, declaring a symbol of status.

What was life like in the renaissance?

Majority of the people in the renaissance period would have been making their living by farming. The man took care of the farming and the women take care of poultry.

What were streets like during the renaissance?

mainn street

Why do you have renaissance festivals?

so people can enjoy what life was like long ago before we had the things we do now like phones, TVs, and other technology.

What was science like during the English renaissance?

Really cool.

What was life like for the Indian people during the British raj?

it was hard