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perspective-3D, chiarascuro-light and shadows, fresco-watercolor on plaster, oil painting and wood engraving

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Q: What techniques did renaissance artists develop?
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What new artistic techniques were introduced by Renaissance artists?

Perspective was one of the artistic techniques associated with the renaissance.

How did Renaissance artists develop a distinctive style?


Why were artists important in the Renaissance?

because the artist developed new techniques and skills

What important changes were happening in art during the Renaissance?

The artists started to use convergence, and perspective during the Renaissance. They also used better techniques in their shadowing.

How were the Renaissance artists able to create illusion of depth in their drawings and paintings?

By using different shading techniques such as chiaroscuro

What new materials and techniques did artists discover during the Renaissance?

Art focused on Religious ideas until Humanism came along and the artists started painting things about how they viewed the world Edit: In the early Renaissance, they focused on what the person said

How did Renaissance ideals were reflected in the arts?

Artists, architects, and writers used real- istic techniques. Their work reflected the Renaissance ideals of humanism, an appreciation of the classics, and curiosity. new ideas.

What impacts did the Medici family have during the Italian Renaissance?

providing patronage for renaissance artists

How does meditation help martial artists?

The techniques that martial artist practice take a great deal of concentration. Meditation helps to clear and focus a martial artists mind so they can be develop the focus necessary to practice though's techniques.

Northern Renaissance artists unlike Italian Renaissance artists worked extensively with?

Engravings and woodcuts

What family financed most of the Renaissance artists?

The Medici family was the great patron of renaissance artists.

What do Renaissance artists do?

Renaissance artists means painters, sculptors, etc, who worked in the Renaissance era. That was in the 15th and early 16th centuries.