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Q: What some of the causes of the artistic boomduring the renaissance?
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What were some of the causes of the artistic boom durning renaissance?

The idiot who answered "lick chong", go get a life you loser. People really need actual answers you jerk face.

What was the causes of renaissance?

Some One Help me :(

What were some social causes for the renaissance?

There were a number of social causes for the renaissance. Some of them included religious ideologies, literature, culture and so many more.

What are some creative ideas for a Renaissance project?

Some ideas are: You could dress up as you were from the Renaissance and act like you were from that time period. If you are artistic, you could paint or draw a picture in the style of Renaissance paintings. You could make a collage of Renaissance items and styles.

Who were some of the famous literary and artistic figures of the Italian Renaissance?

Some famous literary and artistic figures of the Italian Renaissance include Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Dante Alighieri, and Niccolò Machiavelli. These individuals made significant contributions to their respective fields during this cultural and intellectual movement in Italy.

What was the major causes of the European renaissance?

Renaissance is the name under which we know the artistic and cultural movement that took place in several European countries at the end of the Medieval Era. The Italian city of Florence was a major focal point of this movement, some scholars attribute Florence's economical and cultural situation as one of the reasons Renaissance started there, also the climate of peace that prevailed in the region.

What did Leonardo observe verrocchio created for his patrons?

Renaissance Humanism saw no mutually exclusive polarities between the sciences and the arts, and Leonardo's studies in science and engineering are as impressive and innovative as his artistic work, recorded in notebooks comprising some 13,000.

What were some of the artistic contributions Florence made to Renaissance society?

Florence is ground zero of the Renaissance . The Medci family ran Florence and were sponsors of some of the great artists. They commissioned statue of David, helped pay for the Florence Domo ( one of the first domed churches), and built palaces with walls filled with art.

How would you use artistic in a sentence?

Some commercials on TV are quite artistic.

What did Leonardo observe Verrocchio create for patrons?

Renaissance Humanism saw no mutually exclusive polarities between the sciences and the arts, and Leonardo's studies in science and engineering are as impressive and innovative as his artistic work, recorded in notebooks comprising some 13,000.

How did ideas about piety and a simple life change in the renaissance?

In the Renaissance, there was a shift towards valuing humanism and the pursuit of individual fulfillment alongside religious piety. The simple life was still esteemed, but there was also an increasing emphasis on wealth, luxury, and artistic expression. Some thinkers believed that a balance between piety and worldly pursuits could lead to a more harmonious life.

What were some common themes within movement?

The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural, social, and artistic explosion that took place in Harlem, New York, spanning the 1920s. During the time, it was known as the "New Negro Movement", named after the 1925 anthology by Alain Locke.